Emergency Update: Awesome Thrift Store Finds Ahead!

OK, I know that last time I said the next post would be the second part of my Origins preview. I meant it to be. But earlier this week something awesome happened: I went to a thrift store. Now, normally this would not be news that shakes the very foundation of our lives. And it isn't in this case either. It is exciting news for me, though.

On Tuesday I went with my best friend JJ to go cancel a gym membership that he had in Roswell, GA. Next to the gym in question there was a thrift store. I enjoy going to thrift stores to look for games that people might have decided to get rid of. Whenever I go, it is always with the hope that I will find some really valuable or great game that I have been looking for. Up until Tuesday I had not found a single item worth my money. All of that changed when I entered the Atlanta Union Mission Thrift Store. We entered the store and I made a beeline to the toy section. On an aisle shelf sat a pile of tattered game boxes. But, on the bottom shelf, in pristine condition, sat two beautiful boxes. One was a mint, in shrink copy of the Avalon Hill/Hasbro 1999 printing of Diplomacy. This is the one with metal miniatures. Score! But the second game that I spotted was even more amazing: the Avalon Hill/Hasbro 1999 printing of Acquire! This game, in mint condition, can be worth up to $200 or more on the secondary market. The copy I found was like new and complete! I hit the gold mine.

According to JJ I "lit up like a Christmas Tree" upon seeing the two games on that bottom shelf surrounded by trash. I believe that my reaction was only natural, and the way that any knowledgeable board gamer would react. After all, I found about $230 dollars worth of games sitting on a shelf in a thrift store and bought them for $6.15. A steal if I have ever seen one.

My interest in thrift stores has now been reinvigorated. I will certainly be traveling around with the hopes that I may find another wonderful deal on something hard to find or highly sought after. If the preceding is any indication, you never know what you will find at a thrift store.

So that is my big thrifting story for the week. The next post will be about my upcoming trip to Origins. I promise.

Now go play some games!


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