Starting the blog back up!

Howdy! It has certainly been a while since I last made a post on this blog. Years, in fact! Well, starting this week I plan to remedy that. I am going to lay out below how my focus with this blog has changed, and some of the topics on which I am going to be writing.

First off, this will no longer be purely about board games. I will still be posting about board games and other tabletop games as I play them, but it is not going to be my main focus. I just don't get the opportunity to play many new things at this point in my life. I will also be posting about the RPG groups in which I am currently active. 

I am expanding the focus of the blog to be more about my personal life. Thus, I will be talking about Cystic Fibrosis a lot more. I have a lot of new things to discuss and review here, and I look forward to getting more of that out and in text form. 

While the two things above may be what you see most on this blog, I will also be posting a smattering of reviews on books, coloring books, movies, TV, and anything else that I feel like writing about. I am going to keep it light and simple from the outset and see how things progress. Who knows where my brain will lead me!

That is it for now, but I will have another post coming later this week, so look out for that. 


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